The Benefits of Going on a Retreat

Retreat Benefits


There are many benefits to going on a retreat – even if it’s just for a few days.

In my 15+ years of organising retreats I’ve seen quite a few happy guests pass through the doors & so I’d like to share the key benefits & reasons why you should take yourself off for a retreat.

Hope you find this article useful but do  get in touch  if you’ve any questions


  1. Access to Professional Guidance.    Lockdown saw many of us turn to online for yoga, fitness, meditation & breathwork classes and, even though lockdown is over,  many still prefer the convenience of online – often pre-recorded – sessions.    As convenient as online is,  it is no substitute for having the guidance of a professional teacher watching & giving you instant feedback to help you progress & improve and minimise the risk of an injury.


2Spend time with like minded people. 

There’s no greater feeling than when you’re with others who think like you do.   Being with like-minded people helps us realise there’s others who have gone / going through similar life experiences as us and from whom we can hear new perspectives and be reassured & inspired by.   Feeling part of a supportive community with similar views is massively important for our well-being.


3Rediscover Yourself.

We all need time-out to reconnect with who we really  are & to remember what’s important to us beneath our daily roles & responsibilities.   Much of our time is spent caring for, worrying about and nurturing others that we end up putting ourselves last.   A retreat allows you to step forward, to re-centre and to re-prioritise where to spend your (precious) time when you return home.


4. Disconnect & just be.

Our senses are bombarded with so much information that it’s becoming harder & harder to switch off.   This ‘always on’ state is not good for our mental, physical or emotional health.  It’s becoming more important than ever to unplug to avoid overwhelm & burn out.   When you tell people you’re going on a retreat they seem to know this means – unlike a regular holiday – you’ll not have time to reply to their messages.  So take this opportunity to leave your devices in the safe & give yourself a break from being a slave to your phone.


5. No Responsibilities.

When you’re on retreat someone else is organising everything for you so you don’t have to do a thing.   Letting go of being in charge, of having to sort out everything for everyone else, of not having to tick things off your ‘to do’ list and just allow yourself to be lead, nurtured & cared for is probably the most beneficial thing of a retreat.


6.  Fresh Perspective

Getting away from your everyday routine & environment allows you to look at life from a whole new perspective.  With no distractions or expectations you can finally have some head space to reflect & tune in to what’s really important to you and – most likely – feel inspired to make a few changes to make your life easier when we’re back home.


7. Self Care Boost.

When you’re on retreat with someone else taking care of everything, you’ll most likely eat more wholesome food, rest more, sleep more and have time to take better care of yourself – all of which will help lower stress & anxiety levels and improve how you feel.


8No budgetary surprises.

Retreats are pre-paid & include pretty much everything you need making it much easier to budget in advance which, unlike a traditional holiday, reduces the risk of returning home to a huge credit card bill!

Well, we’ve just scratched the surface here but we hope we’ve shared a few benefits you’d not thought of.  So how about you taking some time out & book yourself a retreat ?!

Feel free to get in touch with any questions.